Monday: 5:00 pm (09/19/2011): The Dope Project's monthly NARCAN training. Why? Because sometimes we need an 'undo' button. Repeating this training on overdose prevention can never hurt. (Monthly)
Tuesday 2:00 pm: (09/20/2011): Planning Committee Meeting. Our decision making group of members and staff. Must have attended at least two general meetings in 2011 before coming to this one. (1st and 3rd Tuesdays of every month)Wednesday: 5:00pm (09/21/2011): The Group with No Name or Agenda: Free-form Harm Reduction discussion facilitated by SFDUU member, Johnny. (This is a weekly event) for membvers
Monday 5:00pm (09/26/2011): Pizza/social gathering followed by....
Monday 5:30pm (09/26/2011): General Meeting. (2nd and 4th Mondays of every month)
Wednesday 2:30pm (09/28/2011): Special Workshop: How To Talk To the Media and Be Heard
(Event does not repeat)
Other stuff: Drop -In, Turn Up, Speak Out!!
Office Hours (149 Turk Street, SF, CA): Monday / Tuesdays: 2:00pm - 5:30, Wednesday 2:00pm - 5:00pm. Come down, drop-in, turn up to talk, t-shirts. volunteer, coffee etc. Other days by appointment:
- SF Drug Users' Union
149 Turk Street , San Francisco, CA